Beware of Sophisticated Email Phishing
When you think you’ve seen it all — the scammers take it up a notch. Over the years, I’ve watched how those with nefarious motives…
When you think you’ve seen it all — the scammers take it up a notch. Over the years, I’ve watched how those with nefarious motives…
Do you forward jokes to coworkers during company time (NSFW)? Surf the Web for non-job-related info or a recipe for tonight’s dinner? Do you email…
One of the most misunderstood issues online concerns copyright, both for email and website content. For some reason, as with many things online, there is…
This morning I had an email from a business guy asking about how and when one should use Return Receipts (RR) due one of his associates making this request with every single email that they sent.
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