Top 10 Email Mistakes & Assumptions
Many email mistakes stem from assumptions people make about technology, security, and communication. Changing these habits requires a shift in mindset, from convenience-based thinking to…
Many email mistakes stem from assumptions people make about technology, security, and communication. Changing these habits requires a shift in mindset, from convenience-based thinking to…
Have you ever heard the saying, “Thou protest too much?” What that saying implies is that by protesting too much about something, you are, in…
The Holidays are in full swing! With that comes the pressure and stress of all the Holiday issues that hit us every year. Visiting in-laws and outlaws, entertaining details, gift buying, business and personal responsibilities colliding, Holiday cards and the list goes on.
Site visitors occasionally email me about dilemmas related to interpreting what someone “meant” in an email they receive. Big-time misunderstandings ensue, some irreparably so. In…
Oh how bold we are when safely hiding behind these screens! How accusatory, how rude, how darned arrogant and belligerent some can be!
I have a saying I use on occasion: “They have the personality of a 2 x 4!” which, in essence, means no personality at all….
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