About Net M@nners

Email Etiquette Expert
NetManners.com has discussed everyday technology and email etiquette challenges for decades.
I write about the dilemmas we all face at one time or another in a casual and conversational tone. I hope sharing these experiences will help you in all your written communications.
The topics I write about every week are based on questions and input from site visitors. I update articles as needed and add new articles addressing the concerns and issues you let me know are essential to you.
Way back in 1995, I started championing the topic of Email Etiquette. Back then, it was known as “Netiquette,” as in NETwork etIQUETTE.
When working with my clients over @ The IStudio, it was clear that many folks did not realize the importance of honing their email habits and skills. At least not as seriously as they should. Mainly because everything was so new, and we were all learning together.
Continuing on…
That was then. Today, while onliners are more device and software-savvy, they are still struggling with many of the same issues they did back in the day—specifically, email and technology best practices — otherwise known as etiquette.
That is why I’ve been writing about email etiquette for decades and plan to continue doing so as long as people contact me. Have a question? Just reach out.
It all began with my coaching and consulting website in 1995. That then turned into Online Netiquette dot com, and here we are as NetManners.com. Over time, this site has become what it is today: a repository and archive of everything related to email etiquette.
After a few years, business onliners wanted a site about “business email issues,” including my popular eBook on the topic, updated yearly for over a decade. Email etiquette is even more critical when it comes to communicating for business.
Some emails ask, “Who do I think I am?” telling folks what to do with their emails. Well, I am simply trying to help others communicate appropriately by sharing my experience and championing the topic of Email Etiquette well before many were even online.
I hope you enjoy your visit and find the information you seek. Reach out and tell me what you’d like me to write about.
At your service,

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