Signature files have existed since, well, before most current Netizens knew email existed. Before the Web, folks generally had basic contact info. Some also included their favorite quote to express their feelings or perspectives on specific issues.
Now, most will use their signature file to identify themselves and their work and offer a link to their website. Some personal emails will still include witty, clever, and often interesting quotes.
The most important reason to use a signature file is that it lets you indirectly promote your website or opinions by going about your daily online business. Whether you post on message boards, email other site owners, or participate in mailing lists, your signature file gets your basic information and a link to your website in front of everyone you email or who may just read your message board post.
Your signature file’s contents can help you solidify your ability to use technology astutely. If you have a business, soft-sell your enterprise to your contacts. Signature files are the ultimate in online passive promotion when used correctly and effectively.
Let’s first cover the Don’ts:
DON’T have everything about you, including the kitchen sink, in your sig file. If you have a website, include a pointer to your URL to make sure folks can find out whatever they like about you. That is really what your sig file is for. To have your pager, cell, home, business, work, accreditation, and slogan about how great you are will lead to the perception that you are a tad bit narcissistic.
You also do not need to include your complete “all about me” signature file in every email in ongoing conversations or with those already aware of all your information. Instead, use a simpler, less info-packed version for ongoing discussions, which may include your most used sign-off and your name.
DON’T use controversial quotes in your signature file. Everyone has the right to an opinion, and one of the great things about the online environment is the free exchange of information and ideas. I’ve seen many witty quotes in emails. However, intentionally including a quote you know is controversial or offensive isn’t courteous. Save those “opinions” for those who know you well and will understand your need for attention.
DON’T throw in any sales-pitchy type hype. Credibility online is tough to acquire and support without undermining your efforts. So, refrain from overzealous sales hype that ends in exclamation marks. A short and sweet comment about your product or service is enough. Let your website do the selling for you!
DON’T use ASCII formatting, font colors, or bolding. Plain text works best. If you use a formatted sig file, make sure it is correctly coded and displayed as desired on various platforms.
DON’T close with your signature file reflecting anything but proper punctuation. Capitalize your name appropriately: John A. Smith, John Smith, John. Not typing your name in an appropriate case demonstrates a lack of education and possible business savvy.
DON’T start using your sig file until you have verified, reviewed, and double-checked all the information. I see signature files with errors every day! Do you lack attention to detail?
FACTOID: Sig-Separators
What is a sig-separator? At the beginning of all this, when folks used Newsgroups (now known as groups) quite a bit, it was essential to have a “–” and a line break before your signature file. (A Hyphen, a space, a newline.) At that time, Newsgroups were pretty much it and had quite heavy traffic.
The sig-separator allowed news software to strip out signature files when replying to allow the smooth flow of conversations. Here’s an example:
– –
At your service,
Quite a few onliners have never heard of a sig-separator, and many feel this traditional sig-separator looks rather silly when interposed into a regular email. So the jury is out as to whether sig-separators will ever be able to gain a foothold in regular email and communities that prefer a letter-like style.
Now to the Dos:
DO keep your sig file to no more than 4-6 lines. No, there is no law that will send you to the pokey if you break this guideline. However, this is a rule most follow and recommend to avoid appearing overzealous.
DO align your sig’s text with spaces rather than a tab. Tabs and text are displayed differently on different machines, making your layout look yucky.
DO ensure your signature file has the essential info folks need to contact you. You don’t need to include your email address, which is automatically noted at the top of every email you send. You would only want to include your primary email address in your signature file when you use a different or secondary email address to send the email in question.
DO set up your email program to append your signature file automatically and include your sign-off (Thank you! Best regards, etc.) and your name so you do not have to type info with every email.
DO ensure you add the “https://” before your site’s URL when you include your website address. This will ensure that your URL is recognized as a clickable link within your email.
DO have several signatures that you can switch to, depending on the tone or issue. Sig files are an excellent way to set a tone and direct the ongoing communication’s priority or level of formality. Sincerely, Best Regards, Respectfully, Thanks.
You can also set up signatures with your formal name and a less informal version to establish a comfort zone with the other party, such as Elizabeth vs. Lizzy. However, remember not to be overly casual too soon with new contacts. Formalities are in place for a reason, especially in business communications.
DO have signature files that relay a different message based on where and to whom you are emailing. For example, if you are marketing on message boards or newsgroups, use a signature file that reflects your new product or the current promotion for that specific audience.
Depending on the market, different terms and words have different results. Be sure to include a call to action such as: Download now… Contact Us today about… Get your free… You get the idea—sans hype. Don’t use multiple exclamation marks or question marks.
DO remember that the perception your signature file provides will help others form opinions about who you are. What do you believe in? Do you follow the rules? Do you know how to use technology—or not?
There you have it! The basics you need to use signature files properly. First, use these tips to build your library of signature files. Then, regularly update and work on your signature files. There is always something new to say about yourself or your business!
Down-editing your email is a necessary skill that adds to clarity in your communications and helps avoid misunderstandings. In addition, responding point by point to those who email you also shows consideration for their time and your command of technology.
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