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Emailing Questions Before Looking & Reading

Don't be lazy when reaching out to websites with questions.

This little rant will be understood by those with numerous websites they need to keep on top of. However, even if you have only one website, you still deal with the volume of emails generated through your site.

This means weeding through the questions, responding to them, filing them, and then responding to the responses to your replies. If you run a busy business, this can be time-consuming.

It goes without saying that if you are online for commercial gain, you must respond to site emails promptly and courteously. But don’t doubt that site owners prioritize which emails get responses first—or if at all.

Many site visitors do not realize that by how they email, a website can give the site owners a view into the type of customer they will be. And in some cases, that is not a positive impression.

Is this someone worth my doing business with? Should I encourage a business relationship?

Sadly, negative perceptions are more common than you may think. You will receive demanding, terse, inconsiderate, and lazy inquiries if you have a website. I see this myself every day.

How To Be a Good Potential Customer

Here’s a quick checklist to determine how site owners will view your queries.

  • Did you read the FAQ? Many sites have a FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions. For a good reason — those are the questions most folks want to answer to and are offered for your convenience. How will you be perceived when you type a demanding email requesting information readily available on the website’s FAQ? LAZY
  • Did you review the About Page to know who you are contacting? My websites are clearly all me. Just Judith. On NetM@nners or my BusinessEmailEtiquette.com, WordPress Consultant websites, you will find out on the About page that it is just me. Read any one of these pages, and you know my name to email me. How does it look when I receive emails that start with Dear Sir or Hi Team? SPAMMY
  • Does the site even cover what you are looking for? This past week, I was asked about the proper baby shower protocols for the 4th child in a 3rd marriage. I guess we missed that this site is about Email Etiquette. INCONSIDERATE OF MY TIME

Details and Courtesy Matter

Successful websites and businesses have their hands full, taking care of potentially serious and profitable customers. You want to give the impression that you will be one of those!

Not someone who feels their time is more valuable than the site owners by expecting them to repeat what is on their site. Or worse, expect them to reply to an email that has nothing to do with their website or what they offer.

Before emailing any website, make sure the information you seek is not already included for your convenience. Check the FAQ, read the About page, and use the search bar.

Then, if you do not find the information you seek after a reasonable effort, contact the site owner with courtesy and appreciation. You may find you get a faster, more enthusiastic, and more detailed response!

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