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Sneaky Spam Tactics To Be Aware Of

Beware of tricky email spammers.

Spam has always been a PIA — from the start. And it has escalated over the years to become even trickier to try and get your info or credentials. Or worse — you get a virus or malware on your device or system.

As of late, the spam seems to be increasing exponentially. Several even made me take a double-take.

The Bar Has Been Raised

Recently, I’ve noticed some tactics that surprised even me. Hopefully, this post will bring to your attention how far nefarious individuals will go to fool you into thinking they are legit. This way, if they land in your inbox — you’ll know right out of the gate to just hit DELETE!

Below are five examples of what I’ve witnessed this week that I want you to share with you…

The Unpaid Invoice Trick

Here is the payment confirmation:

On Nov 4, 2023 at 3:25 AM, su*****@xx********.com wrote:
Did you send the money? I need the proof.

The above uses the appearance of a transaction in your name to get you riled up and click on the attachment. The Subject and supposed previous email from you reflect your email address to make it appear more authentic.

The Fancy Company Overcharge Trick

Who are you and why is there a charge from you on my credit card?
Here you can view my statement, get back to me asap.


Thank you
David Riley

In this example, I’ve received numerous versions where the Subject: field notes different legitimate big-name consulting companies to add to the effect. In one case, the company’s website changed its homepage to note, “…we apologize, the emails were not from us. We were hacked.”

Once again, it gives the appearance that you are involved in something. Then, throw your domain name or email in to get you to click on the attachment.

The Don’t Miss Out on Facebook Trick

Here’s some activity you have missed on Facebook.

Gosh, forbid we miss something on Faceybook. It looks like a legitimate Facebook notice, but… Mouse over the link first. You will see the underlying URL (in the lower left-hand corner of your browser window), and it doesn’t go to Facebook.

The Too Good to Be True Trick

Claim Your $50 Amazon Reward Card…

I’ve received this one also noting Walmart, Walgreens, Sam’s Club, and Lowes. Again, the link does not go to where you are led to believe. Mouse over, and you’ll most likely see a foreign domain.

The You Have an eFax Trick.

You received a new eFax from XXX-XXX-XXXX

Everything in the email looked legit — all the eFax links, when moused over, showed efax.com. The trick here is the link to download the eFax application. When you mouse over the link, the first part shows efax.com — but if you mouse over the end of the link, you can see the nefarious site you would go to.


Friends with No Benefits

Another worth mentioning is an email from a known contact — with all their contacts in the To: field, including yours. The content is a single generic statement about a site or link for you to visit. When you receive this type of email, you can safely assume the sender has a virus. In that case, as a courtesy, let them know they’ve been compromised and to scan their system ASAP.

Don’t Trust ANYTHING

The above are just a few examples of some of the trickery I have seen lately. Spammers will keep trying to make their emails look legitimate by mimicking sites you visit or playing with your emotions. Don’t fall for that trap!

  • Don’t click on unexpected email attachments.
  • If you are not sure, run attachments through your virus software first.
  • Refrain from clicking on any links in these types of emails.
  • If you do, double-check your browser’s location bar to ensure you landed a reputable website.

Your best approach is not to trust any email that you don’t expect, sounds too good to be true, that you do not recognize the sender, or has an unusual communication style. Hope this helps!

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