Do You Email and Surf on Company Time?

Do you forward jokes to coworkers during company time (NSFW)? Surf the Web for non-job-related info or a recipe for tonight’s dinner? Do you email friends and family members from work using your company email address?
Oh, oh…
If you are honest, you’d admit you do.
I mean, who doesn’t?
But if everyone jumped off a bridge, should you?
Now think about what kind of employee you want to be viewed as.
Company Time is Company Time
If you are guilty of using company online resources, you are part of a group of employees that are putting their careers at risk. But, of course, you don’t want to find out the hard way that these “on the job” activities are unacceptable.
But you know that already. You are at work, after all. None of these activities are part of your job description.
Regarding email activities while on the job, you should not be sending superfluous emails to friends or coworkers or dilly-dallying on websites. You know better than that.
How will your boss find out? More on that later…
If you think about it, it only makes sense for business owners to keep tabs on what their employees are up to while on company time for productivity and legal reasons.
Cyberslacking at Work
Source SHRM
Add all that up, and that’s called lost productivity. If you were an employer, how would you view your employees not using technology properly? Probably not so good.
Employer Monitoring Practices
To be safe, there should be no expectation of privacy at work. That’s your second mistake after thinking this type of behavior is okay. Their network, their resources, you are on company time. So, don’t plan on any privacy.
Employers may use various methods to check employee online activities, including:
It’s important to note that employers should have a clear policy in place regarding online monitoring and should communicate this policy to employees. Employees may have an incorrect expectation of privacy in their online activities. That is why it is crucial to be aware of your company’s policy.
Employers should also be mindful of applicable laws and regulations related to online monitoring in their jurisdiction.
How do you use your employer’s technology resources?
Do you reflect the epitome of professionalism by using company assets properly? Or are you a cyberslacker?
Your email and online habits at work can enhance or hinder your career path. How you choose to use your employer’s technology resources speaks loudly to the type of employee you are — and your potential.
Why not brush up on your Business Email Etiquette Basics?