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e-Tattling @ Work

Don't be an email e-tattler!

Have you found yourself involved in an e-tattling situation? E-tattling is where one coworker emails another coworker with a request. When that request does not receive a response fast enough, is declined, or is challenged, the e-tattling begins.

The requester follows up with a demanding, sometimes hostile, or accusatory second request. But that’s not all…

They also Cc: a supervisor, manager, or any number of other coworkers that they think will step in and force the recipient, you, to comply with their request. This is an e-tattler.

The strategy is that by e-tattling, they report to management, shaming or embarrassing the individual—all to get their way. Little do they know that this approach backfires the majority of the time.

Adults Do Not Behave This Way

These tactics rarely work. What an approach like this accomplishes is only to strain relationships even further.

A reply was not forthcoming, especially if this tactic is jumping the gun and the other party is unavailable, out of the office, homesick, or any other legit reason.

So, how do you handle e-tattling at work?

e-Tattlers Beware

Anyone who would resort to e-tattling (and many do based on what is shared with me) makes their lack of professionalism apparent. In the workplace, teamwork and communication are key. When you earn the reputation of an e-tattler, how do you believe that will impact your career?

If you are receiving this type of behavior, you have no choice but to take the high ground. Know that, most likely, the other person will end up looking petty in the process.

A good guideline is not to add additional contacts after a conversation is underway when you cannot deal with a difference of opinion, lack of response, or whatever upsets you.

Set an Example

You do not want to do is stoop to their level by responding in kind. Leave them “out there” with these actions and let others come to their conclusions about who behaved adequately or not.

Meet with the e-tattler in person. Schedule an in-person meeting with those involved. You want to resolve the issue professionally, reflecting that you are a team player.

What do you do if you are contacted by any Cc’d contacts? Share your side of the situation calmly and unemotional in an email with that one contact. No personal digs at the e-tattler — stick to the facts. Do not use “reply to all.”

Suppose you are the e-tattler; shame on you! It is understandable to be frustrated when someone doesn’t respond as you like. But Cc’ing managers, supervisors, or coworkers for no reason other than tattle is unacceptable in the workforce.

When you do not get the desired response, pick up the phone or meet personally with the individual involved to try and resolve the issue. To begin Cc’ing (or worse yet, BCc’ing) others with your comments or accusations will do nothing but expose your inability to communicate professionally. A skill that is increasingly critical to having a successful career.

For more on how to use email in business communications, I have an entire site that covers just that! BusinessEmailEtiquette.com.

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