5 Easy Personal Autoresponder Away Message Tips

Let’s talk about away messages with the upcoming holiday weekend, summer trips, and vacations on the horizon.
Email autoresponders, also known as automatic replies or away/vacation messages, are messages the server automatically sends to the address of every incoming email. Unfortunately, in many cases, onliners use autoresponders without understanding how and when to use them.
As with most tools with practical and useful applications, sometimes you should not use an autoresponder. So here are some tips for your personal away messages. (For business autoresponder etiquette tips, I have a site for that!)
Easy Personal Autoresponder Tips
Tools Used Properly
Autoresponders are a great tool. When used appropriately, they can help keep others informed while freeing you up to do other things.
But you need to activate them correctly. Keep these issues in mind so that when you use autoresponders, they are more of a benefit than an annoyance.
For more on Business Email Etiquette topics, check out my other site, BusinessEmailEtiquette.com.