What about ALL CAPS in the Subject: Field?

Using all upper case/caps is frowned upon when it comes to email. The reason is twofold.
- Using all caps gives the impression that you are shouting or possibly making a demand. This goes back to visually trying to determine intent in written communications.
- Caps are harder to read. We have been taught to look for structure in text subconsciously. Primarily the capitalization at the beginning of sentences provides a logical flow of one thought to the next.
Does this apply to the Subject: field?
Of course, there are exceptions to every rule; however, in general, we want to avoid using caps. Doing so can be risky because we have no control over the perceived level of that implied emphasis. Better to choose your words carefully to reflect your tone.
When caps are used in the Subject: field, it is construed as amplifying your message’s urgency. But, urgent to who? You or the recipient? Two different perspectives.
Another concern with all caps in the Subject: field is that your email could be labeled as spam. We all know that spammers clearly do not concern themselves with the nuances of the case. Particularly since they want to get your attention at all costs.
Look in your inbox, and you’ll most likely notice that there are no emails using all caps in the Subject: field. Especially marketing emails. This is because they don’t want to cheapen their message.
Time and a Place for All Caps?
There are times when selectively integrating caps (not all caps) in your Subject: field can be helpful. If you want to bring attention to your email, it would probably be better to structure your Subject: field to include both caps and lower case such as:
Subject: FOLLOW UP: Previous E-mail Subject
Subject: REMINDER: Tomorrow’s Lunch Date
Of course, the verbiage used in conjunction with all capital letters makes a huge impact as well. In comparison, one could assume you were yelling/shouting/adding unnecessarily strong emphasis if you used caps in the Subject: field in the following manner:
Subject: RESPOND TO MY E-MAIL!!!!!
Can you see the difference and feel the emotion behind these Subject: fields? Yep, it’s all in the words you choose and how you use them. Make the wrong choices, and it can cause you to be seen as yelling or having an overly aggressive tone.
Then, add those extra exclamation points, and there will be no doubt by the other side that you are, in fact, making a demand for their response. Always keep in the back of your mind that it is out of your control to actually control the level of emphasis perceived by the other side.
Just Be Cautious with Caps
Obviously, by the first examples, you can see how you can effectively use caps to draw attention via the Subject: field. This approach allows you to do so without providing a negative perception which could cause your email not to be opened.
Just make sure that you relay the intended level of concern and emphasis that you want to be directed at the recipient. You do this by being selective with your capping and choosing your words carefully.