Are Condolence Emails Acceptable?

Recently I was asked if sending a condolence email is acceptable. As with most things, it depends on the circumstances.
Condolence emails should be the last resort only if you have a virtual relationship. With virtual connections, you do not have any reason to know the other person’s physical address to send them a formal card.
Based on that response, I was asked the best wording for a condolence email. Taking into consideration that most folks are “not good with words.”
The relationship at hand will tend to determine which words you would be comfortable using. The closer you are, the more personal your vocabulary will be.
Condolences shouldn’t be templated or copy-n-pasted.
With that said, you can search the web for condolence examples and cards. There are tons of websites with all kinds of suggestions that you can personalize.
However, when offering sincere condolences, sending a formal condolence card is always best, and not using email for such important communication. Email is not meant to replace every single communication after all.
Losing a loved one is one of those times when those who want to show they care to do so genuinely take the time to choose, sign, hand-write the envelope, and purchase a stamp.
Making this effort reflects your heartfelt condolences because you made that extra effort. Receiving your card via snail mail with your signature within will give more comfort and solace than any email ever could.
Sincerity is Reflected in Actions
Don’t know the person’s physical address? Do a search based on the information you do have. You’ll probably be able to find their address to comfort them with an actual card.
If you are not good with words, an old-fashioned condolence card can do that for you. Find a card that is in line with your feelings and sign it. No additional comments are necessary.
Making these efforts will let the grieving party know your sincere condolences. Much better than just popping off an email where personal actions by those who care can make all the difference in the world.