Take the Time to Read the TOS

TOS = Terms of Service
I know, they are a mile long with teeny-weenie type filled with legal mumbo-jumbo.
That’s why most of us don’t read the TOS before signing up for services or websites. Social media sites come to mind. You probably would be shocked if you read their TOS and what they make clear as you use their free services and platform.
We know we should probably make the effort to be informed and ensure nothing in there will hit us in the back of the head sometime in the future. But we also know there are all kinds of legal “wordsmithing” in these documents, so what’s the point?
Websites Assume You Won’t Read the TOS
… and take advantage of that. Just like the tiny teeny type on T.V. commercials that you can’t read. They can say they displayed it — that’s all that matters. But there is no way you could read it unless you freeze the screen in time, put on some magnifying glasses, and put your nose up to the screen. The same goes for TOS pages.
If you did take the time to read most TOS pages, you probably wouldn’t like what you find, from privacy concerns to what they can do with your data, posts, and images. Many state that if you use their service, they own everything you do and can do what they please with your data.
Playing by the Rules
To protect yourself, you should read the TOS of any site you want to use so you can play by the rules. This will ensure that you are informed and courteous. You should also read the TOSes of the sites where you hang out most—search engines, forums/groups, and websites that offer functionality and services that you use.
Being informed on what the TOS contains will also help you to be part of any online community or group positively.
Experience Proves My Point
I’ve run several forums over the years. Because my experience proves that folks don’t read, I made sure that I included a very (very) basic TOS. Still, no one read it. I’ve been a community founder at a well-known online forum (my “give back time”) where new members did not follow the TOS daily.
After running for over a decade on this website, even my Email Etiquette Quiz had to be shut down this year. This was due to takers not reading the rules and just as many trying to cheat to get a good score. Why would I continue to offer the service when the majority did not try to follow the rules?
So one of two things is happening. Either they read the rules and disregarded them, or they didn’t take a moment to read them. Neither of these options leaves a positive impression.
Almost daily, questions are asked that have already been answered many times, either on the forum or on the support pages. Questions that don’t abide by the posted rules are posted in the wrong forum. Nor do they provide the recommended information necessary to help. They didn’t read that section either.
The forum’s TOS requests that users search first to see if their question has been answered. If they did, they would find their answers more often than not. I guess it is easier to post and have folks serve answers to you than to take the time to search. This reflects a lack of respect for other people’s time, which is not a good look in any venue.
Read, Then Ask
Do your best to read everything first, including the TOS, FAQs, form, and support pages. If you do not find what you are looking for, no worries; just state as much. Here’s an example…
You can bet those other helpful members will not hesitate to jump in and assist with that approach. Of course, do not use the above approach if a simple search proves you made no effort and the answers are there. [Read: Group and Forum Etiquette]
This doesn’t just apply to the big-name websites alone. Even on smaller business websites, you want to show that you respect the site owners’ time by reading and following their lead. Doing so will speak volumes about what it will be like to do business with you and encourage a fast and courteous response.
Gratitude Helps — A Lot
In the past 48 hours, I have been assisting someone who emailed me. First, they didn’t fill out the correct form (they didn’t read the link to a form that catered to their needs above the form they completed), which was red flag #1. Then, when I asked for more info and sent them to the correct form, they feigned that they “could not do so”—red flag #2.
I ran a test, and there were no problems with the form’s functionality. I believe they “could not do so” because they “didn’t want to do so.” No “thank you” or “appreciate your time ” was expressed throughout the eight emails we exchanged. There was no greeting or closing, just one-sentence emails asking questions.
Finally, after several more exchanges, they provided more information, and I let them know we could not do business together. The communication ended with them sending an email saying, “Never mind. I’ll get help elsewhere.”
In my experience, the chances of them being a pleasure to do business with are slim to none. Why would I want to get into a business relationship where courtesy, attention to detail, and clear communication are vital with someone who does not exhibit this in their initial communications?
From the start, my gut told me I didn’t want to do business with this person (red flags), but I was still courteous and provided the information they needed to understand the issue. After all that, there was still no gratitude.
I am a consultant by trade; that’s what I do, and I’m clear about that on my consulting site. Am I obligated to help anyone who disregards my website’s content and instructions and then sends multiple one-sentence emails demanding solutions?
For the record, I am not opposed to doing so — when appropriately approached. I’ve lost count of the number of folks I’ve helped en gratis that I did not sign up as a client. But act like I am supposed to do so when you show no respect for my time or courtesy in your communications, and that won’t happen.
Approach and Gratitude Matters
Technology is truly a wonder — one we are already taking for granted and forgetting there are real people on the other side of the screen. Every day, I am amazed at how I can go online and find the answers to any question just by taking the time to dig in.
I also appreciate helpful forum communities and groups where you can post if you hit a wall and folks are willing to help. They are much more helpful if you do your due diligence first and follow the rules. When time permits, I enjoy being on the other side and offering help where I can.
If you run across a site whose services or features you would like to use, take a few moments and show the site owner and other members the appropriate respect. Read their Terms of Service and review their website to be sure their service is even one you can or are willing to utilize.
Then, complete the form or signup/submission, checking for accuracy and typos before clicking the Submit button. That’s what courteous Netizens do!