Home » How Email Greetings and Closings Make a Huge Impact

How Email Greetings and Closings Make a Huge Impact

Why you need to include email greetings and closings.

Some think starting an email with a friendly greeting is trivial or unnecessary. Others think including the recipient’s name and a closing statement is a waste of time, especially when you are rushed.

Yes, email is informal. However, we still have to be mindful that the words we use and how we format them can impact, particularly regarding the perceived intent and tone.

Greetings and Closings Change the Tone

To make my point, I’ll show you how adding greetings and closings can make a difference. Here is an example email from someone who does not appreciate how a greeting and closing combined with clarity and courtesy will impact their communications.

where is that site you mentioned

Hmmm… We talked about several sites. There was no “Hello,” proper sentence structure, or courtesy involved. It was just a statement of what the sender wanted to get across.

Add a little courtesy…

Okay, let’s just add the basics… A greeting and a little sign-off.

Hey, Judith:

Where is that keyword site you mentioned? I can’t remember the URL…


Isn’t that better? Imagine if you took just a bit more time to be a clear and courteous communicator.

Hello, Judith:

Hope you are having a nice day!

I was wondering if you could send me the URL of that site you told me about that had that the resources I need to finish my keyword research. I just cannot remember the URL.

Thanks in advance for your time and patience!


Can you see the vast difference in tone and how this person is perceived by taking the time to communicate properly? The last example is courteous and clear about the sender’s request by providing the necessary details. Subsequently, I know they appreciate the extra effort I have to make on their behalf.

The same request, with just a little bit of extra courtesy, can distinguish how the sender is perceived. As a result, by making these efforts, you ensure your communications are clear and welcomed by taking just a bit more time.

Little Efforts Make a Huge Difference

Don’t feel these little efforts are necessary for your day-to-day email activities? Then, you may want to prepare for those you email cringing when they see your name in their inbox.

Here are a few more of my posts on Greetings and Closings for your reading pleasure:

Be courteous and detailed, and your communications will lend to building beneficial relationships for both sides.

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