How to Reach Out to Website Owners About Technical Problems

It is not uncommon for site owners to receive emails where the sender includes assumptions about a website’s features or technical issues. Unfortunately, some beliefs are unnecessarily accusatory, while others are based on little to no knowledge on which to base the stated premise.
Most Assumptions are Inaccurate, But…
Maybe it’s me, but I do my best not to assume things about topics I know nothing about. For example, I don’t presume to know how my car works just because I drive one. I am not a mechanic.
When I go to the Doctor with an ailment, I do not assume what my treatment is. Instead, I let the person educated in the field, my Doctor, ask the appropriate questions. Then take the necessary steps to determine what the diagnosis is.
Even then, I don’t tell them what to prescribe. I am not a Doctor.
But when it comes to technology, there is no end to those who email websites that believe they know what they are typing about. Enough to tell the website owner what to do about something, to fix this or that, or to scold them about improper practices.
Often, their assumptions are not based on experience or knowledge of how technology works. Sigh.
The Right Way to Reach Out
If I have a concern or think something is “wrong,” I email my questions or concerns in a genuinely courteous and curious manner. But that is, after checking out their FAQ or help area to see if there are any known issues or a solution, I can give it a whirl.
Even being online and coding websites longer than most, I rarely assume I know what the issue is and state that in my email—no accusatory tone. Nor with a “look how much I know, and you don’t” attitude.
My primary goal is to help and hopefully inform the site owner of an issue so they can find out what’s up and resolve it. However, I leave the door open to the possibility that I may even learn something I am unaware of.
Before emailing website owners on technical issues about what you perceive to be “wrong,” “broken,” or “not working,” did you…
These are a few things to check that you can alleviate as a potential cause on your side of what you may be experiencing. Whether that be access, functionality, or email receipt issues, you can also let the site owner know that you did double-check these issues to take them off the table.
Next, provide all the information they may need:
And just as necessary, unless you have solid experience — check your perceptions at the door. What are you basing your accusation on? If not on experience and knowledge, your approach should be even more humble and curious.
Being Realistic About Skills and Knowledge
When it comes to technology, there seems to be this perceived level of knowledge that exceeds the experience of many users on various topics. I see it all the time. A little experience adds to a big fat chunk of finger-pointing via email.
We have all experienced the increased boldness when one doesn’t have to look the person they are sending their comments in the eyes—comfortably hiding behind their screens.
In the end, it cannot be very comfortable for these folks. But luckily for them, when they contact me, I respond courteously, factual, and informatively—using my experience to offer a teachable moment.
I kindly helped them to learn how their assumption indicated how much they didn’t know—at the same time, allowing them to know better now.
Patience IS a Virtue
Unfortunately, not all site owners have the patience to spare. If you think about it, why should they have to? Most choose not to respond to accusatory or demanding emails. That is unless there is an issue to be addressed. In that case, the faster the response, the better.
It is for each website owner to determine the proper approach for them. With that said, it’s always best to err on the side of courtesy and transparency.
Those who appreciate my approach send me an email of thanks for enlightening them. The others, well, they are probably off sending corrective emails to other website owners. (Some folks have way too much time on their hands…)