What the Heck is Lurking?

Lurking is the online term for staying in the background and watching before participating.
It sounds sneaky, right? But it isn’t! It is a smart move when you want to join established groups or communities.
Why should you be a lurker?
Do you frequent several sites, groups, or “communities” where folks with like minds and interests hang out? Then you’ve probably lurked already.
When this gig started, it was all about community, and it still is to some extent. But no one will argue that commercialism has taken a solid foothold—so much so that you do not want to be overly commercial in non-business communities. People are sick and tired of those only there for commercial gain.
Lurking allows you to avoid jumping the gun with comments or opinions that may be misunderstood or inappropriate. It is always wise to review previous conversations first to see what direction they take.
Besides social networks like X and Facebook, there are forums, groups, and mailing lists for almost every topic of interest. These groups are tightly knit communities that get to know each other by email address or handle name.
So, showing up and joining is best done with courtesy and decorum. This approach accelerates your becoming part of the group while offering a positive impression to those who don’t know you — yet.
Lurking lets you get a feel for the community you want to participate in. Taking an initial backseat allows you to get a feel for the group, what they feel is essential, and how they communicate.
You may find while lurking that a particular group may not have the type of discussions you want to participate in. Move on and find a community more to your liking.
Lurk Before Posting
Before lurking, take the time to read the community guidelines or terms of service. Those are the rules you will be expected to abide by. If you do not agree with the “rules,” then it’s best to seek out alternative venues for participation.
To get a feel for the group and whether you think it will be a good fit for you to join in is accomplished by lurking. The last thing you want to be is a disrupter. You don’t want to blurt in, ask a question, make a statement, or offer information without having an idea of the tone and personality of the group.
Lurking lets you know if the group is formal, easygoing, or more professional in nature. It is also a courtesy, especially when it comes to starting a conversation or asking questions that have been covered many times before.
Some members may not appreciate you posting without searching first, and some may be nicer than others in letting you know that. (Before asking any questions, always do a quick search to make sure the topic has not already been covered.)
After Lurking
After poking around, lurking, and determining you do want to join in the conversation, always include a brief and humble introduction of yourself to the group before you add your comments, questions, or information.
Some forums and groups have an area just for introductions — be sure to take advantage of that opportunity. You’ll appear more friendly and help other members get to know you.
For more tips on ensuring an enjoyable community experience, check out my article on List, Group, and Forum Etiquette.