Do You Have to Reply to Thank You Emails?

This is one of the most asked-about topics. I often get asked whether you “have to” respond to a thank-you email—an email in which someone takes their time to show gratitude for something you did for them. Or, as many complain, they just thank to thank, creating an unnecessary email.
You send an email, and shortly after, you get a response: “Thank you!”. Do you respond? Do you have to respond?
Have to? There are two motivations for asking that. 1) You want to be sure you are living up to expectations. 2) You sort of think having to respond is a waste of time.
So, it depends on the relationship and your reason for responding. But in most cases, probably not—the above example is just an acknowledgment of receipt—but they did think it worth their time to type those eight letters.
Showing Gratitude is a Good Thing
I am a huge proponent of taking the time to say “Thank you!” If someone has replied to an email request or has done something nice for you online (e.g., processed your order quickly, replied promptly to a customer service request, or took the time to respond to your questions), then a quick thank you would be nice and appreciated.
Some find thank-you emails annoying. “Why send me an email just to a thank you? Seems unnecessary.“
Hmmm, because they are grateful? Seems like a valid reason to me.
Why do some struggle with the process of thanking and being thanked? I’m not sure. Based on the emails sent to me here at and, I can tell you that folks are uncomfortable with the thanking gig.
Some worry about doing the right thing, while others prefer not to worry about it and question its benefits. Being NetManners is about “everyday email etiquette,” that is the point of view we’ll discuss today.
Do you thank someone for sending you a thank you email?
How much back and forth is required before safely assuming everyone has been thanked and “you’re welcome” enough? There is a point in every communication, including thank yous, where replying is not constructive or has no value other than repeating the obvious. Use your discretion based on each communication.
I am always thanked by the kind folks who ask for my advice. I don’t respond with a “You’re Welcome” unless the Sender’s thank you email includes additional questions or comments, and I feel I can add to the conversation by replying.
Email is about reflecting your personality in how you communicate. Some people are more chatty and friendly than others, and those folks may be more apt to send a “Thank you!” email than others.
Some are always curt and to the point and appear terse or demanding. Wouldn’t a thank you or “you’re welcome” soften their communication style? Probably.
Whatever your style, it will reflect what you are like to communicate with. Thank yous are a simple common courtesy worth taking the time to type those eight little letters.
Thank Yous are Time Well Spent
Especially now, with everyone’s schedules and lives crazier than ever, there should be more thanking. And for a good reason. I see folks going above and beyond all day. They deserve thank yous so that they know their efforts are appreciated. When efforts are appreciated, they tend to be repeated.
In those types of back-and-forths, receiving a reply to your thank you is not uncommon. “No problem; don’t hesitate to let me know if I can be of further help!” People know we are in trying times, and they are making extra efforts to ensure that folks know they are there if they need them.
Do you thank them for the thank you? Do you have to respond?
Here are some things to think about when receiving a thank you email and whether you should or have to respond:
Responding purely because you “have to” isn’t sincere. Your tone will most likely be disingenuous, and you risk being misinterpreted by the other side.
Remember that email is about personality and growing relationships. So, if you are grateful or want to continue the conversation, hit that reply button and enjoy the discussion. Gratitude is an attitude!