Don’t Send No-Nothing Emails

I just looked in my Junk folder, only to find a day-old email from one of my less-than-amiable contacts. So, I thought it would be a good springboard for a post and a teachable moment. What is a no-nothing email, and why shouldn’t you send them?
No-nothing emails are just that—emails about nothing. They lack the standard and customary formalities, explanations, and best practices and are blank emails with attachments.
The little things matter — a lot!
In this case, this particular person has always been lacking in email skills. They often come off as demanding and, in some cases, just plain rude. Generally, if I know a person well and like them, I know it is just that they do not reflect that in their email, so I cut them some slack.
This is not one of those cases.
When you have a consistent, established tone, a precedent has been set. Emails like the one I discovered in my spam folder today do not improve our partnership.
Instead, they solidify my already negative attitude. I know it is a matter of time before I extricate myself from the relationship because when I see this name in my inbox, I audibly groan. If you have contacts like this, you know what I mean.
Today, this message did not include any actual text in the email. Only an attachment, a Word doc, had nothing in it other than an embedded graphic. There was no “Hi” or “Hello” and no explanation of what they wanted me to do—a prime example of a no-nothing email.
The Subject field was “File.” I was to assume the attachment spoke for itself, but it didn’t. We hadn’t communicated in some time, so I had no idea what to do with that graphic.
A No-Nothing Spammy Email
This contact did not take the time or feel the need to include a simple explanation of why they were sending that specific graphic to me. Also, there was no greeting, no thank you in advance, no nothing.
So, as usually is the case, I was courteous and professional and asked why that email was sent to me. This extra step could have been easily avoided if only a little explanation had been included.
The email only contained an attachment, so my filters identified it as spam. Only spammers send no-nothing emails. While I check my spam folder regularly, that usually waits until I have time. I am always pretty busy and typically check my Junk folder daily, but I skipped a day because I am swamped.
Oh, oh… wait for it.
This is why I always recommend reviewing the emails in your junk folder before doing a mass delete/clear/empty. Emails get sent there erroneously all the time by those who see no need to communicate appropriately.
When you send emails this way, doing spammy things, you risk your email not being read as soon as you like. Busy folks who only have the luxury of reviewing their spam folders when they have time sometimes may not do that for a day or two—or more.
The voicemail came: “What about my file — call me ASAP!!!”.
Worn down…
This contact’s continually aggressive approach comes off as demanding and terse. There is nothing else to indicate otherwise. They are just bossy.
This is where taking the time to include all the little courtesies I talk about on this site comes into play. Even if you tend to be bossy, it would behoove you to try to soften your approach. Otherwise, folks will not want to communicate with you.
I probably would have already replied if the email had included all those little things that this person didn’t want to take the time to include. Instead, since I just discovered it, it goes into my “To Do” folder behind those who do include all those little things this person finds unnecessary.
Even when sending personal emails, especially to new acquaintances and contacts you make on Facebook, X, or the like, the littlest of efforts will go a long way to encouraging future communications. And those you communicate with will look forward to seeing your name in their inbox.
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