Email Bullies
A site visitor writes:
Does it mean nothing? The first sentence warrants one question mark. The multiple instances reflect emotion.
This appears to either be a very frustrated or extremely controlling person. If having multiple exclamation points or question marks “means nothing,” then why are they including them and communicating this way? They are upset; otherwise, the caps and multiple instances would not be used.
Intentional or Just Ignorance?
Many do not realize the power of their written words and punctuation. There are ramifications on how they choose to use them.
This certainly does not mean that the perceptions they are presenting or the emotions they are insinuating are not there. They most certainly are!
Your friend either shows their lack of online savvy or knows exactly what they are trying to accomplish and makes a demand that you respond. They do not have the nerve to admit it when confronted.
By typing in caps, and by using !!!! or ??? They are typing to you with an overly aggressive and condescending tone. This comes off as a bully and not very nice. If that is not what they meant to relay, basic punctuation would have sufficed, right?
What is your next move?
You now need to decide how you are going to handle this. If this is someone you know very well, then discuss it with them, explaining that the way they communicate is something you don’t appreciate. And that it needs to stop.
You can send them to my articles:
If this communication pattern continues, you may have to request that he no longer email you. After that, ongoing aggressive emails must be reported to either the social platform they are being sent through or to local authorities.
Words + Punctuation = Tone & Intent
Some recklessly neglect to choose their words carefully; they use multiple instances of punctuation and bold words, turn on the caps, and change entire sentences to red type all because they can. The above quote from Napoleon Hill applies to emails as well.
Maybe send this quote to those who do not yet understand the importance of thinking before they type (and click Send).