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Addressing Job Inquiries: Dear Sir/Madam?

Email Addressing Job Inquiries Sir/Madam

I’ve been receiving a bunch of inquiries about job hunting online. So, I’ve dusted off and put some new polish on this oldie but goody post for those seeking employment by applying online.

Correct Approach for Online Employment Inquiries

When I receive a job inquiry (or any email) addressed as “Dear Sir/Madam,” I know the sender is lazy. How do I know this? Because on my sites, it is clear it is only me. With just one or two clicks, you know that “Judith” is behind the website.

I’m not a Sir, nor do I consider myself a Madam. And I know you didn’t even bother to do some basic detective work to see who you can (and should) address. Approach me this way, and you lost me before I read your message.

If someone wants to email me with this greeting to ask if I am hiring, I know they are probably not too discriminating in who they are contacting. They want to get their resume or CV in front of whoever is behind the website. Any website.

The result is the same when a service provider or business-related contact approaches me this way. It indicates they did not spend time finding out I am not a Sir.

I don’t know about you, but I prefer to form relationships with those who take the time to understand who they are communicating with. Don’t take the time; I don’t have the time.

Think that sounds brusk? I’ve been emailing for 29 years, and I no longer take the time to consider those who do not reach out appropriately. Their time is no more important than mine.

Job Opportunities + Attention to Detail = Positive Impression

Job applicants should try to find the contact’s name or the person behind the site before emailing willy-nilly. This allows you to personalize your approach and show attention to detail.

  • Do you want to get your message across with the least effort?
  • What do you think not personalizing says about your work ethic?
  • Are you unwilling to make a few extra clicks or effort to determine who to address your application?
  • What about those applicants who do take that time?

From a different angle, if you are approaching me because you are interested in my consulting or coaching services, what does a generic approach say about what kind of client you will be? It says you didn’t check my About page to know if we are a good fit. And, most likely, we won’t be.

Speaking for myself (and many I know who are very good at what they do), I don’t respond to mass email requests. If you want to work with me, I detail a process on my site. A process that benefits us both.

Seek out and pay attention to any details offered about making contact. My process helps to indicate what type of person the inquirer will be like to work with. Will they impress or free me up to work with others serious about success?

The Right Way to Approach New Contacts

Some email and address me by name, asking if I have any open positions. Some use Ms. Kallos or Judith.

Either way, they took a moment to know who they were emailing and to address me by name. That keeps me reading on.

I take offers or requests from folks who email in that manner much more seriously. More so than the mass form spammers who just want to copy and paste into a form and hit send.

Then, there are those who don’t read any of the offered information provided for their convenience. What about email inquiries asking about topics where the answers sought are actually on my website? Or the emails making requests for services I don’t offer?

All offer little clues that can lend to perception.

Applying for a Job is an Opportunity

This little extra Email Etiquette effort goes a long way to impress the other side, particularly when applying for a job. You want to reflect the seriousness and professionalism of your request. That, my friends, is what can give you the edge!

This includes a resume customized for that specific position/company/business/opportunity. Generic resumes do not impress.

What will you do if you can’t find a name to address an email specifically? Pick up the telephone and ask. It is that simple.

How badly do you want that position or to work for that company? How serious are you about being perceived as THE candidate?

It’s all about the actions one is willing to make — or not. Indeed, it is worth the effort.

Addressing is an Important Detail

Details matter when it comes to business emails and applying for jobs online. Addressing is a big part of encouraging communications and opportunities for both sides.

Make the extra effort to pick up the phone and ask for a name to address your communication. If you are cold calling, get to the right person, introduce yourself, and ask if you can email additional information.

Now, that’s how you get a positive response over your competition!

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