How to Ask for Help Via Email

Technology can frustrate even the most experienced of us. I’ve been around from the start and can vouch for that! There always seems to be something that causes frustration that requires us to rely on others for assistance.
Whether it be email configuration, website issues, order concerns, or follow-ups, you will eventually need to seek help. Whenever you ask someone for assistance, it is best to do so humbly and courteously.
Bees & Honey
Yes, you can communicate however you please. But be aware that not making the extra effort to communicate properly can create a negative perception from the start. This is not a good thing if the other side prioritizes who they spend their time on.
When you need assistance, be aware that the person on the other side doesn’t have to help you as fast, as much, or in the manner you assume they should. They are probably busy with other responsibilities, and your request is just one of many they need to get to.
This is where courtesy and common sense come into play. When asking for assistance, be on your best behavior and use proper email etiquette, sentence structure, and grammar.
Spell-check so you don’t appear illiterate. Read your request out loud before clicking Send to show that you took the time to communicate in a tone appropriate for the help you seek.
What if it were you?
Think about it… Who are you going to jump to help? Those who make demands in cryptic sentences? No thank you or tidbit of appreciation for what they ask you to do for them?
Or the person who sends their request starting with a nice greeting, all the details you need to help them clearly included, and ending with a “Thanks for your help!”? Those four little words go a long way.
My job is to offer WordPress support and business coaching. I am known for my prompt response and “white glove” support when helping those who email me with courtesy, kindness, and clarity.
But what about those who do not take the time to be courteous? What if they clearly did not read one iota of the information on my site before sending an email? That’s an indication to me that we may not be a good fit.
Technology is difficult and challenging, and doing business online requires a work ethic like no other. This includes the ability to communicate professionally, with courtesy and clarity, using the written word.
First Impressions Matter
If you cannot make the effort to communicate in a way that reflects respect for others’ time, that may cause several things to come to mind:
Of course, business-to-business email communications need to be at a different level than everyday email, but the same principles apply.
They apply if you are a consumer emailing your ISP, insurance provider, or an eCommerce site that you are doing or considering doing business with. What type of customer do you want to be seen as?
One that is of value and worth the best efforts? Or one that, no matter what you do, will cost more than their worth?
So here’s what you do:
5 Tips for Email Help Requests
- Always have a nice greeting.
- Explain with clarity what help you are seeking.
- Include all the necessary information the other side will need to help you (Order number, dates, amounts, account information, etc.).
- Note that you already checked the online FAQs or support knowledge bases (because you actually did) and need additional assistance. This effort reflects your value for their time.
- Thank them in advance for any help they can offer.
By taking the above steps and being considerate and informative from the get-go, you’ll get the support you require and will be viewed as the type of customer worth holding on to.