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We All Make Email Mistakes, Right?

How to handle email mistakes.

We all handle our errors in judgment or oversights differently. Some forgive and accept corrections with grace once they discover mistakes. But then, others—well, they just become terse.

Email Mistakes are Easy to Avoid

Many adopt a very casual view of email overall. Because of this, they tend not to give email communications the necessary attention. Informality should not be the accepted approach.

You’ll agree that not every message should be written as though you are communicating with a longtime friend. This is where your discretion must come into play.

Not paying attention to what you are doing in the first place is probably the primary contributor to mistakes and misunderstandings. Here are a few examples of lack of awareness, off the top of my head:

  • Hitting Reply to All with comments that do not apply to *all* those you are Replying to. Worse, your reply includes derogatory remarks about some in that email chain.
  • Or you were adding folks to your email blasts that didn’t ask you to.
  • How about forwarding to all your contacts with their email addresses exposed in the To: field rather than using the BCc: field?
  • Not taking the time to be clear and concise.

These are a few instances when your actions may create disgruntled Recipients.

I get it. We are all busy, and when it comes to emails, we tap away to try and play catch-up or be able to clear our inbox. This is because Senders often think they have a right to do what they want. You know, the free speech thing. Online, there are no rules, yada, yada — wrong!

Using Technology Properly

One of the primary principles of using technology and email properly is thinking about how your actions can affect the other side. That is where my motto comes from:

Net M@nners Motto

“Using technology with knowledge, understanding, and courtesy!”
Email Etiquette Expert
  • If you send comments inadvertently to the wrong person or that are improper, rude, or plain old unacceptable, you must humbly apologize. Have some intestinal fortitude and apologize in person, or if that is not possible, pick up the telephone and call them. The sincerity of apologies is judged by the effort put forth to offer them.
  • If a contact asks to be removed from your list that they didn’t ask to be on, promptly, kindly, and professionally honor their request. Be sure to apologize for any inconvenience. Only this approach may salvage the relationship and keep the door open for future communications.
  • When sending to everyone you know in the To: field, you expose your contacts to strangers. All you can do is grovel. There is no excuse for this breach of privacy, and you need to let your contacts know you have now seen the light and will never do such a thing again.
  • Reading your email out loud before clicking Send can avoid misunderstanding due to a lack of clarity.

Own Don’t Blame

I don’t understand why our culture is prone to pointing fingers or creating excuses when we mess up. Own your mistakes — you learn something and become a better person by doing so. If you make an error, don’t compound the issue by explaining why you weren’t paying attention or typing what you did.

You type it; you own it!

The Internet has existed for a quarter of a century, so there are no excuses for not knowing how to use it properly. However, learning from your experiences and offering a prompt apology when required is the only proper response and a true sign of character.

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