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Email Etiquette in Education?

Teaching Students Email Etiquette

Is email etiquette important for students? When should guidance start — elementary, middle school, high school, or college?

When you drill down, email is simply written communication. Learning how to write correctly, coherently, and with proper grammar starts in elementary school. As does computer use.

Then it makes sense that the sooner students, at any age, in any school, learn the basics of email etiquette, the sooner they can use technology to communicate appropriately. It is simply a smart thing to do, right?

As with anything that has to do with prepping for life and future success, email is now a part of that. The sooner habits are practiced, the more they stick and become natural.

Email Etiquette = Education

Technology is now part of our lives in almost everything we do. That is why teachers and students should be just as interested in making sure they use technology appropriately. The younger we start, the more basic the tips can be. For example…

Elementary School

  • Using proper sentence structure.
  • Spell checking.
  • Privacy: for both the student and recipients.

Middle School

  • Thinking before clicking Send.
  • What to share — and not share.
  • Basic courtesies in email and texting.

High School

  • When to email or text and when not to.
  • Not all communications are emojis or acronym based.
  • How to communicate what you mean.


  • How grammar and approach can leave an impression.
  • How to use email for employment opportunities.
  • Portraying a serious intent and professional tone.

Education Includes Technology

101 Email Etiquette Tips

Schools now communicate with students and parents via email. What will the teacher responsible for determining grades think if no basic email etiquette is followed in their student’s communications? This goes for parents too!

As a parent, nothing stops you from exposing your children to how to use technology appropriately and safely. This includes using email in a way that sets them up for success. You can do this by example and by providing resources.

Children now have smartphones in middle school. Guidance on how to use that technology is now part of a parent’s responsibility. How your children text or email others can make a big difference in how they, and you as a parent, are perceived.

If you are a student, imagine how you will stand above the rest of the class by using technology correctly and communicating as an educated adult. And it’s pretty easy to do.

The doors that can open could be that edge you need to take advantage of new opportunities. Opportunities that you otherwise may not have been considered for.

Setup for Success

Email Etiquette orientation includes all ages, starting the younger, the better, so they are best prepared for the digital world. While our culture is increasingly “you can do whatever you want,” that shouldn’t include the life skills that can make a difference in attaining goals — and prosperity.

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