A Note to Parents About Email Etiquette and Politeness

Politeness is “behavior that is respectful and considerate of other people.” That’s pretty much email etiquette in a nutshell.
“Respectful and considerate for other people” applies to everything, from typing in a manner that is easy to read to replying promptly. You know, all the things I write about on this site.
Recently, I read a quote from one of my favorite successful authors, Napoleon Hill, that spurred this post:
Politeness usually begins at home, or it doesn’t begin at all.
Boy, could we use more of that in 2025!
Email etiquette is about your choices regarding communicating with others. Politeness with the written word helps you be a good friend and communicator.
Someone others look forward to hearing from. Naturally, this becomes even more important when emailing for business.
When it comes to email etiquette and using technology, most of us are self-taught. Many of us are already at an age where our parents aren’t going to step in and help us. But, in some cases, we are helping our parents to understand the importance of email etiquette and proper technology use.
Here is where, for your children, you can make a difference.
Parenting and Technology
Based on what I see in public, parenting doesn’t seem to apply to smartphones. So, how can parents teach their children proper practices such as restraint, adequate time and place, and appropriate communication via texting when they don’t practice the same?
How many of you have seen a family out to dinner, and their noses are all buried in their devices? No one is talking to each other — they are all immersed in whatever is on their phone.
So, it doesn’t take much of a leap to think that parents are not monitoring their children’s proper use of technology. At least not enough to consider their email use.
Teaching email etiquette. Really?
Not being taught about email etiquette and how to use it best will harm your children’s future. Try to find a job where email is not part and parcel of everyday job responsibilities.
Imagine how children taught about email etiquette and proper technology use by their parents will have an edge in school. Then, that edge carries over to compete in the job marketplace and their career.
Or will you wait for teachers to guide them as you do on other topics? (That’s not working out too well on so many levels…. but that’s a topic for another blog!)
Parenting = Guidance
Like anything in life, it is your job to guide your children on all levels, including their general use of technology and email.
How you choose to use technology, including email and texting, reflects your priorities. For example, do you say or do what you want at the moment, or do you stop, think, and then do it based on consideration for those you are communicating with?
Your children are watching.
Have you ever considered this before? It is time to start coaching your children on email, texting, and technology best practices. Here’s an article that will help: How to Home School Email Etiquette.
Hence, they have a positive experience and increased opportunities for success in school and their future careers.
The ball is in your court…
P.S. Visit NapHill.org and sign up for the daily Thought for the Day email. It is one of the emails I look forward to each day!