Is Email Too Easy? Don’t be a Chicken.

Not everyone was on board with email when I started this site in 2000. Now, the majority of folks use email regularly, some exclusively.
A concerned site visitor comments:
Yes, yes, we are! I’ve thought about this a lot. Too many folks resort to texting or emailing instead of talking or meeting. That’s because it is the easiest thing to do.
Many have chosen to take the lazy, easy way out and not pick up the phone or have an in-person meeting when that is what is called for or best for the situation. But their gut knows they should probably call or meet in person. They just don’t have the intestinal fortitude to do so.
Email is too easy. Hit a few keys, and off your email goes! Then, add that some of those using email do not make the minor efforts necessary to communicate clearly or even use email appropriately. And here we are. See my poll in the sidebar and let me know what you think.
When should you not use email?
Or how about those emails filled with vitriol and insults from those with differing opinions? Oh, how bold they are when hiding behind these screens. Would they say the same on the phone or in a face-to-face meeting? Probably not.
Email is the Path of Least Resistance — for Some
Email is a tool. Whether for business or personal use, it is up to each individual’s discretion and business savvy to know when and how to use it properly.
For personal use, everyone knows darned well when it is best to pick up the phone and have an intimate conversation instead of emailing. Don’t make things worse by not dialing a phone number.
Those who understand there are other human beings on the receiving end of their emails will not fall into the email everything trap. At the same time, those who choose the path of least resistance and email or text only will not be as successful at nurturing relationships and partnerships.
Your gut knows what is right; listen to it!
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